HTML5/JS Tutorial HooDyooDoo HTML5/JS Tutorial Part I

View the Project on GitHub FatFractal/hoodyoodoo

Create Directory Structure

Here, we create the core object model for the Hoodyoodoo app and verify that it works with its backend. If you wish, you can download the complete Part I project file from Download Tutorial Part 1 Sample Files to the application directory you created in the section Installing FatFractal.

Create Your Project's Directory Structure

When you scaffolded your app, one of the directories created is called webapp. That directory will contain all of the files used by your HTML5 application. In this step, we will replace the default contents of that directory with the Hoodyoodoo files.

  1. In your webapp directory, create a new directory called Images.
  2. Download the images from here and put them in your Images directory. These are basic image resources we will use in Hoodyoodoo.
  3. Again in your webapp directory, create a new directory called Scripts.
  4. Download the NoServer JavaScript library here, name the file FatFractal.js and put it in your Scripts directory.

NEXT: Create Your Project's HTML File